In this episode we will talk about 【Mid-Autumn Festival】, you will learn how to say 【reunion,look forward to】 ect. The material helps you get used to different voice and accent.
It is recommended that you study in the following ways:
Step 1: Gist listening. Listen to get the main idea. (more times if necessary)
Step 2: Read the text to find out words you didn't get, then look up the dictionary.
Step 3: Listen and imitate as much as you can without looking at the text.
Step 4: Write down what you hear if you want to practise writing.
团圆/tuán yuán/have a reunion
唐朝/táng cháo/Tang dynasty (618-907)
举头望月/jǔ tóu wàng yuè/looking up at the moon
思念/sī niàn/miss
阖家团圆/hé jiā tuán yuán/reunion of the whole family
期盼/qī pàn/look forward to
每逢······来临/měi féng ··· lái lín/whenever ···comes
平方公里/píng fāng gōng lǐ/square kilometers
奔走/bēn zǒu/travel around
喀什/kā shí/a city in Xinjiang
跨越/kuà yuè/go across
呼唤/hū huàn/calling
漂泊的游子/piāo bó de yóu zǐ/wanderer/people who lives far away from home
延伸/yán shēn/extend
海岸线/hǎi àn xiàn/coastline
四面八方/sì miàn bā fāng/in all directions
天南海北/tiān nán hǎi běi/south of the sky and north of the sea/far apart
屋檐/wū yán/eaves
绵长/mián cháng/lingering
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