A Global Mindset Poem - EP 22
A Global Mindset Poem - EP 22
29 mars 2024 13:12
The world's a tapestry, a woven web, Of threads unseen, where cultures ebb and flow. A global mind, a bridge it seeks to be, To span the gaps where differences may grow. From bustling streets to mountain peaks so high, Each land a song, a tale beneath the sky. Respectful ears, to hear the stories told, Of customs old, in traditions bold. No single beat sets all the hearts alight, The rhythm shifts, with shades of dark and bright. A global mind, it dances to the sound, Embraces all, on common ground it's found. Beyond the words, a silent language speaks, In smiles and nods, the meaning truth it seeks. A global heart, with empathy takes hold, In shared humanity, a story to unfold. So let us break the walls that hold us tight, With open minds, we greet the morning light. For in this world, so vast and ever wide, A global mind, in unity confides.
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