惩罚(chéng fá, punishment)
惩罚(chéng fá, punishment)
30 juin 2022
5岁的马克向妈妈告状:“我们的小狗把我的皮鞋咬破了。” “那我们要惩罚它一下。”母亲回答说。 “妈妈,我正是这样做的。我把狗盆里的牛奶全喝光了,让它饿一天。 看它下次还敢不敢这样。” 5 year old Make complain to his mother: our puppy bit my leather shoes. "then, we need to punish him."mom said. "yes, mom, definitely I did,I drank up all the milk in the dog bowl, let him hungry. see if he dares to do this again next time."
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