One Minute Speaking Challenge - Birthday
One Minute Speaking Challenge - Birthday
11 septembre 2022
One Minute Speaking Challenge - Birthday Here are some questions to get you thinking in English - it's the key in your spoken English development ( or any other language you are learning )! What was the best birthday you ever had? How old were you? Who was there, who did you invite? Did you have it at home? Did you cook? or you had it in a restaurant/ cafe? Why was it the best birthday for you? What feelings, emotions did you experience? What were the gifts you were given? Which one was the best one? Who was the most memorable person at the party? Simple questions but it'll take you a moment to think&answer. Have a go, challenge yourself - there are many rewards in that - including your ptomotions, raising salary - making more money. it's one step at a time, one day at a time towards your desired future. Don't postpone or accept and exuse from yourself.
Chaîne de podcasts
One minute speaking challenge - Challenge yourself to speak English daily!