Will Networking Get Me a Job? Strategic Networking With Lucy Samuels
Will Networking Get Me a Job? Strategic Networking With Lucy Samuels
6 juin 2022
When do you think people should network? Why should somebody network when they're looking for a job? How can people network online? How would you recommend someone who’s new to networking get started? Can you tell me a networking success story? Tune in to hear candid and lively answers to my questions from the delightful Language and Communication Coach Lucy Samuels. Lucy has more than a decade of experience working with job seekers, and one of her specialties is teaching people to network strategically. Of course, I was eager to have her on the show! The second part of our conversation will be released in the next episode. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode originally published September 10, 2021 Original theme music by Lucas Knutter Read the transcript at https://www.express-to-impress.com/strategic-networking/ Join the Express to Impress community on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/company/express-to-impress/. See infographics for this episode on Pinterest at https://www.pinterest.com/ExpresstoImpress/_created/. Please take a minute to rate and review the podcast.
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