shēng bìng le! Sicknesses, Symptoms and More!
shēng bìng le! Sicknesses, Symptoms and More!
31 octobre 2022
Sickness is an ever-annoying but everlasting topic in our life. You caught a cold. You got a rash. You ate bad food. How can you describe these common sicknesses in Chinese to your concerned Chinese colleagues or friends. And more importantly, what can YOU say when other people get sick to show care. In this episode, we covered all! Let’s go! Note: This podcast is intended for language learning ONLY. Not for promoting or criticizing any political party or ideology. Let’s keep it friendly and accessible to all :) Also, all of the experiences are the hosts’ own experiences so please do your own research if you need more information.
Chaîne de podcasts
Chillchat (Learn Chinese and Chill)
KKaren ZhouEnseignant professionnel