Le chat Léo a un copain
Le chat Léo a un copain
30 janv. 2025 18:47
🎉 Dear children, welcome to our podcast for young French language learners! 🇫🇷🎧 📖 Follow our short stories about little cat Léo 🐱 and learn new words in French! 📢 In today's episode, we learn the new word: "copain" 🤗👫 Let's discover it together! 👇 🐱 Léo, le chat, et Baguette, le chien 🐶 vivent dans la même maison. ❌ Mais ils ne sont pas copains. 🌧️ Un jour, il pleut. BOUM ! ⛈️ Le tonnerre gronde ! 😿 Léo a peur. Il se cache. 🐶 Baguette s’approche et dit : 💬 — Viens avec moi ! 🤔 Léo hésite… puis il se couche contre Baguette. 💛 Depuis ce jour, ils sont copains. IN ENGLISH: 🐱 Léo the cat and Baguette the dog live in the same house. ❌ But they are not friends. 🌧️ One day, it rains. BOOM! ⛈️ Thunder rumbles! 😿 Léo is scared. He hides. 🐶 Baguette the dog comes closer and says: 💬 — Come with me! 🤔 Léo hesitates… then he lies down next to Baguette. 💛 Since that day, they are friends. 🧠 The word of the day is: "le copain" 👫 ❓ Did you understand what "COPAIN" means? ✅ Correct! "Copain" means "friend" in French.
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Le Monde Magique des Mots