五十步笑百步 [wǔ shí bù xiào bǎi bù]
五十步笑百步 [wǔ shí bù xiào bǎi bù]
20 janv. 2024 04:26
五十步笑百步 [wǔ shí bù xiào bǎi bù]:fifty/pace/laugh at/hundred/pace. One who retreats fifty paces mocks one who retreats a hundred. 梁惠王liáng huì wáng:King Hui of Liang state in the Spring and Autumn Period of Chinese history 孟子 mèng zǐ:Mencius who was a thinker, politician, educator in the Spring and Autumn Period. 河内hé nèi 、河东 hé dōng:Ancient place names. 收成 shōu chéng:crop;harvest 灾害 zāi huāng:disaster 邻国 lín guó:neighbouring state or country 道理 dào lǐ:principle;truth;reason 打仗 dǎ zhàng:fight; go to war; make war 交锋 jiāo fēng:clash;meet 丢盔弃甲 diū kuī qì jiǎ:hrow away one's shield and armour;fly pellmell 打比方dǎ bǐ fang:to make an analogy 嘲笑 cháo xiào:laugh at ; mock 逃跑 táo pǎo:escape,run away 胆小怕死 dǎn xiǎo pà sǐ:Cowardly and afraid of death This idiom means that people should not criticize someone for something, because you have done the same thing or have the same fault.
Chaîne de podcasts
乐读中文 (Lè Dú Zhōngwén) - "Joyful Chinese Stories"