الرياضة / Sport 🏟️
الرياضة / Sport 🏟️
12 novembre 2024
الرِيَاضَة تْسَاعِدْنَا نِبْقَى بِلَيَاقَة وصَحَّة جَسَدِيَة وَعَقْلِيَة جَيِدَة. Sports help us stay fit and in good mental and physical health مُمَارَسَة الرِيَاضَة مُمْكِن تْقَلِّل التَوَتُر و كَمَان تْزِيد التَرْكِيز فِي المَهَام اليَومِيَة. Practicing sports can reduce stress and also increases the focus in the daily tasks والرِيَاضَة تِلْعَب دَور مُهِم بِنَجَاح الإِنْسَان لأَنَهَا تْعَلِّم الإِنْسَان عالإِنْضِبَاط And the sport plays a main role in the success of the person because it teaches discipline to the person والرِيَاضَات الجَمَاعِيِة تْعَلِّمْنَا كَيف نِشْتَغِل كَفَرِيق. Group sports teach us how to work as a team. بِالإِضَافِة, الرِيَاضَات مُمْكِن تْسَاعِدْنَا نْكَوِّن أَصْحَاب جَدِيدِين In addition, sports can help us make new friends بِالمُقَابِل, مُشَاهَدَة الرِيَاضَة تُعْتَبَر طَرِيقَة جَيِّدَة للتَوَاصُل مع العَائِلَة والأَصْحَاب. On the other hand, watching sports is considered as a great way to connect with family and friends. بِشَكِل عَام, إِضَافِة الرِيَاضَة بِرُوتِينَنَا اليَومِي يْزِيد السَعَادَة بِالَحَياة. In general, including sport in our daily routine increases the happiness in the life
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Gulf Dialect (Level 2)