The system of university studies in Egypt: (please correct me) In Egypt, we usually have 4 years of study. Each year is divided into 2 semesters. English is the language of study for some Universities like engineering and medical specialities. In other universities, students study in Arabic, not in English. After finishing the undergraduate stage, the students can begin their postgraduate study. They have to get a good mark to be able to continue their study. In the postgraduate stage, a Diploma is a preparatory stage for a Master's degree. Postgraduate studies require students to specialise in a particular field. They usually write assertation or a thesis. Students who came from a distant area lives in halls of residents.
15 juin 2021 22:54
Corrections · 4
The system of university studies in Egypt: (please correct me) In Egypt, we usually have 4 years of study. Each year is divided into 2 semesters. English is the language of study for some universities like engineering and medical specialities. In other universities, students study in Arabic instead of in English. After finishing the undergraduate stage, students can begin their postgraduate studies. They have to get a good marks to be able to continue their studies. In the postgraduate stage, a diploma is a preparatory stage for a master's degree. Postgraduate studies require students to specialise in a particular field. They usually write a dissertation or a thesis. Students who come from a distant area live in resident halls.
16 juin 2021
The system of university studies in Egypt: (please correct me) In Egypt, we usually have 4 years of study. Each year is divided into 2 semesters. English is the language of study for some universities, like engineering and medical specialities. In other universities, students study in Arabic, not in English. After finishing the undergraduate stage, the students can begin their postgraduate study. They have to get a good mark to be able to continue their studies. In the postgraduate stage, a diploma is a preparatory stage for a master's degree. Postgraduate studies require students to specialize in a particular field. They usually write dissertation or a thesis. Students who came from a distant area live resident halls.
Very nice work! Just a few very minor corrections.
16 juin 2021
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