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Jade M.
Enseignant professionnel
Here is another quiz about prefixes for you to try!
Which sentence means that the damage to the painting could not be repaired?
The damage to the painting was unreversible.
The damage to the painting was inreversible.
The damage to the painting was irreversible.
20 réponse(s)
13 janv. 2025 11:11
Réponses · 0
Jade M.
Compétences linguistiques
Chinois (mandarin), Tchèque, Anglais, Français, Gaélique (mannois), Allemand, Polonais, Russe, Serbe, Ukrainien
Langue étudiée
Chinois (mandarin), Tchèque, Français, Polonais, Russe, Serbe, Ukrainien
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