阿穆尔 (ā mù ěr)
When I enrolled in college, I really wanted to go to Central University for Nationalities, because I thought this school was more interesting. My family won't let me go to this school. They let me go to China Youth University for Political Science, but I don't like China Youth University for Political Science. Therefore, I had a very unhappy time in college.
18 sept. 2024 08:32
阿穆尔 (ā mù ěr)
Compétences linguistiques
Chinois (mandarin), Chinois (cantonais), Chinois (hakka), Chinois (taïwanais), Anglais, Japonais, Mongole, Ouïghour, Ouzbek
Langue étudiée
Chinois (cantonais), Chinois (hakka), Chinois (taïwanais), Anglais, Japonais, Mongole, Ouïghour, Ouzbek