Les Villain
There's no logic in the decision to reduce staff when orders are the highest they have been for years. What's "they" in this sentence. The stuff or orders. And could rephrase the sentence please.
5 févr. 2025 10:41
Réponses · 10
They refers to the orders. What is being said is that it does not make business sense to cut costs by reducing staff when the business is receiving the highest flow of orders compared to previous years.
il y a 12 heures
It refers to 'orders'. Generally, words like 'they' will follow the subject of the previous sentence.
il y a 12 heures
Good question.... the answer is 'orders'.
il y a 12 heures
Previous sentence or phrase. Also: It doesn't make sense to cut staff because we are getting a lot of orders - more than ever before!
il y a 12 heures
The orders
il y a 3 heures
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