I dreamt a chemistry teacher who taught in our school for a short period of time. She treats everyone well. If I didn’t see it, I wouldn’t believe there’s such a big difference between people. For example, she shared her snacks with the cleaner who was on night shift. She even invited me to her place. In winter, her cooking brought warmth to me — a person wanders from place to place. After her quit, many people asked me and shared memories about her. On her last day of working for the school, she said she wanted to go to the hospital with me. I knew that because she wanted to shared the cab with me. She even waited for me and called me in the hospital. I said, “I won’t go with you. I’m going back to Tianjin.” She said farewells, then turned and went. I couldn’t stop my tears and dared not to watch her retreating figure.
11 sept. 2024 15:04
Corrections · 2
I dreamt about a chemistry teacher who taught at our school for a short time. She treated everyone kindly. If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed there could be such a big difference between people. For example, she would share her snacks with the cleaner on the night shift and even invited me to her home. In winter, her cooking brought warmth to me—a person who was wandering from place to place. After she left, many people asked me about her and shared their memories of her. On her last day at the school, she said she wanted to go to the hospital with me. I knew it was because she wanted to share the cab. She waited for me and even called me from the hospital. I said, “I won’t go with you. I’m going back to Tianjin.” She said her farewells, then turned and left. I couldn’t stop my tears and didn’t dare to watch her retreating figure.
11 sept. 2024 15:31
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