Hi guys! The main reason why I’m learning English is my wish to move to Canada in the nearest future. I’m trying to prepare to IELTS working on it alongside my teacher. My aim is to acquire at least 7.5 points. Also I learn it because I work in an international company and I have to speak English with my clients and partners. And the last but not the least reason is that I’m able to feel more confident when I’m travel. I can meet a lot of interesting people and be sure I’ll be able to communicate with them confidently. Seems that’s all! Have a good day guys!
16 févr. 2021 08:50
Corrections · 3
Hi guys! The main reason why I’m learning English is my wish to move to Canada in the near future. I’m trying to prepare for IELTS working on it alongside my teacher. My aim is to acquire at least 7.5 points. Also I’m learning it because I work in an international company and I have to speak English with my clients and partners. And the last but not the least reason is that I’m able to feel more confident when I travel (could also say “when I’m travelling”). I can meet a lot of interesting people and be sure I’ll be able to communicate with them confidently. Seems that’s all! Have a good day guys!
16 février 2021
Hello friend. I am Mazen, a Syrian HVAC engineer residing in Lebanon. I plan to obtain a high score in IELTS from the first time. Let's practise speaking skills (in particular ILTES speaking part 2 +3) on a regular basis towards enhancing our English to the fullest. If you have a strong desire as I do, please kindly let me know. Note that my exam is on 25 Mar
16 février 2021
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