I want to study abroad first because they have the easiest ways and techniques of teaching,second to learn languages and other cultures of people from different nations,third to get exposure of ways of life,fourth to work harder so i can raise and teach those i left behind to my country
17 sept. 2024 07:58
Corrections · 1
"I want to study abroad for several reasons. First, because of the more effective teaching methods and techniques available. Second, to learn new languages and experience the cultures of people from different nations. Third, to gain exposure to different ways of life. Finally, I want to work harder so I can return and teach those I left behind in my country." Comments: Clarity and structure: It's important to use clear transitions between points. I added some transitions like "for several reasons" to introduce the list. Parallel structure: The original sentence listed multiple reasons, but the structure was inconsistent. I made the points more uniform by starting each with an infinitive ("to learn," "to gain," etc.). Precision: Instead of saying "the easiest ways and techniques of teaching," I changed it to "more effective teaching methods and techniques" to be clearer and more professional. "Easiest" could imply less effort, while "effective" focuses on quality. Flow: I split the original into multiple sentences for better readability and flow. Using commas in a long list without conjunctions can confuse the reader. Cultural sensitivity: "Teach those I left behind" might sound like you’re superior to them. Consider phrasing this with a more collaborative tone like "help others in my country."
17 sept. 2024 13:16
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