I like the smell of summer. I like the smell of air when the seasons change. The smell of spring is like exciting. The summer is like refreshing. The autumn is like lonely. The winter is like crisp. I especially like the smell of summer, because it makes me feel excited.
12 juin 2021 15:03
Corrections · 2
I like the smell of summer. I like the smell of the air when the seasons change. The smell of spring is exciting. The summer is refreshing. The autumn is lonely. The winter is crisp. I especially like the smell of summer, because it makes me feel excited.
I deleted ‘like’ in some of your sentences because you do not need to put the word like after ‘The summer is like refreshing’. This is because you are writing a statement that ‘summer is refreshing’ and not comparing it to something. If you wanted to use like - you could say, ‘The summer is refreshing like …. (Fill in something refreshing you could compare summer to, for example, ‘refreshing like a freshly squeezed lemon’). You have used ‘like’ correctly, when you say you ‘like the smell’. In this circumstance it means you like it as in - enjoy it, or love it. I hope this makes sense.
12 juin 2021
I like the smell of summer. I like the aroma of the air when the seasons change. The smell* of spring is like excitement. The smell of summer is like refreshing. The smell of autumn is like loneliness. The smell of winter is like crispness. I especially like the smell of summer, because it makes me feel excited. * An alternative to "smell" may be "scent".
Very good and quite poetic!
12 juin 2021
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