What is your job? Could you share the story of how you got your job or why you chose this job.  Do you enjoy it now?
15 avr. 2019 14:15
Commentaires · 3
Hi! I start to study in University late than normal in Brazil, usually the people enjoin in the University when they have a 18 years old! However, I waited a time to decide what I will want to do in the future. Now I think this thought it doesn't matter, because each one has their own time. During the course, I have tried many areas in the portuguese course like  a teacher, reviewer, monitor, assistant teacher, work with portuguese language for foreigns, portuguese for natives, working with grammar, writing, reading etc. Currently, I'm a portuguese reviewer trainee at Public Ministry in my state. I really like this area and I hope to continue it!
15 avril 2019
I'm from Belarus and there you can study at  college after 9 form(14 y.o.) or after 11 form(16 y.o) at univesity.
When I was 14 y.o. my mother decided to take me to Language&Humanity college. After 4 yers education I got the diploma. Now I am a teacher of English. I think, It's my vocation (a job which you do because you have a very strong feeling that doing  this job is the purpose of your life). 
15 avril 2019
I work right now as an entrepreneur and an online language tutor and I like my job because I get to manage my own time and I could also work anywhere as long as I have a my laptop and a good internet connection
15 avril 2019