Shahbaz Khan
What does "try" mean here? Could anyone plz provide some example sentences for better understanding?
12 sept. 2021 20:47
Réponses · 4
= to put on trial (legal procedure to assess the guilt or innocence of those committing crimes). When criminals are arrested by the police, they are usually charged with a crime. Then they are sent to court, where they are put on trial (or: they are tried...). After the various procedures of the trial (defence and prosecution lawyers, witnesses, and for more serious trials: a a jury), and, if they are found guilty, then they are sentenced by the judge or magistrate. I hope this snapshot of the legal process is understandable..
12 septembre 2021
In this sense, to try means to hold a trial in a court of law. See the connection? Try - Trial Examples. The suspect was tried and found guilty. This boy was so young, that the judge refused to try him.
12 septembre 2021
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