What does "Are you nuts?" mean?
8 mai 2011 06:01
Réponses · 6
Are you nuts? = Are you crazy?
8 mai 2011
The American language tends to do this where we will say things that wouldn't make sense to foreigners studying the language. "are you nuts" is simply asking if they person is crazy. They could be asking the sentence because they person may have done something they would think is stupid or if they didn't agree with what the person did.
8 mai 2011
isnt the english language confusing you think u got it down pat but then something new comes and slaps u in the face xD kkkk
8 mai 2011
A hard nut to crack.
8 mai 2011
In the 1800's "nut" meant a person's head, and around the same time it was decided that someone not quite right in the old noggin was "off his nut" or simply "nuts."
8 mai 2011
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