What does"live up to your potential" mean ? What does"live up to your potential" mean ? When can I use this expression ?
23 août 2011 13:22
Réponses · 3
hello,Stanley~ ^-^ "live up to..." means "fulfil the requirements or expectations of...." for example: 1.实践(信仰、原则等);履行(诺言等): He finally lived up to his promise. 他终于履行了他的诺言。 2.不辜负(期望等);无愧于;达到(预期的标准): He failed to live up to his parents's expectations of him. 他辜负了父母对他的期望。 3.与…相当;在…方面比得上(某人): Her sister was so clever that she felt that she could never live up to her. 她姐姐非常聪明,她感到自己无法比得上她。 "live up to your potential"means "don't waste of ur potential" (不要浪费/辜负了你的潜力) it emphasizes that you HAVE TO DO SOMETHING for NOT wasting of ur potential !!!!! i use it like this: "Stanley,u seem to be always lazy on study, actually u can be much better than others if u study hard! :p :p :p because you are a very intelligent boy !!!! ^-^ so just live up to your potentional, why waste of it?? right? ^-^ ^-^" hope my answer can help you! ^-^ :p
23 août 2011
嗯,live up to sth.----to do as well as or be as good as other people expect you to意思就是说“符合,达到,没有辜负(别人对你的期待/期望)”live up to your potential就可以理解为"你达到了你的水平"........举个例子吧,不知道你看过《盗梦空间》(Extractor)(这是大陆翻译版本)Leonardo Wilelm DiCaprio演的,里面有一段是那个日本人Saito从梦中梦醒来对Mr. Cobb说:"You have lived up to your reputation,Mr.Cobb"你果然不负盛名,Mr.Cobb.这里也可以说成"You have lived up to your potential"你果然能力很强...........或者是You have lived up to your potential judged by what you have done for you company。。。。。希望这个对你有帮助:-)
23 août 2011
翻成中文的是“实践潜在的能力”。If someone is intelligent, but does not study, then their grades may not be good, so we could say, "Live up to your potential."
23 août 2011
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