What the difference between " 今天比较忙。" and "今天很忙。" What the difference between " 今天比较忙。" and "今天很忙。"? Can you please give me some sentences of the words "比较"?
13 déc. 2011 10:29
Réponses · 8
忙》比較忙》很忙》非常忙 濃度不等。
13 décembre 2011
这个比较大/This one is bigger/ it can be used when you are comparing something.but you can also say:这个大一点/这个大点儿. 这只鸭比那只鸡大一点:The duck is (a little) bigger than the chook. 狗比猫大得多/狗比猫大很多:Dogs are much bigger than cats. 这个比较大:This one is pretty big. 这个很大:This one is very big. 这个有点大:This one is a little big. Hope this helps^^
13 décembre 2011
13 décembre 2011
比较=a little;很=very
13 décembre 2011
我今天比较忙,恐怕不能去参加你的聚会了:I am pretty busy today,I am afraid I won't be able to make it to your party. 我今天比较忙,所有没去游泳。 I had a pretty busy day today,so I didn't go swimming today. 今天很忙,别打扰我!I am very busy today,just don't bother me !
13 décembre 2011
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Allemand autrichien, Chinois (mandarin), Chinois (taïwanais), Anglais, Français, Japonais