Ri Michael
What do you mean when you say: don't fret? Thanks a lot!
26 févr. 2012 00:39
Réponses · 9
It's basically saying "Dont't worry about it." To use it in a sentense: "I know you burned the dinner tonight, but don't fret about it."
26 février 2012
Fret = worry Do not worry
26 février 2012
ok..thanks...I found it in a videogame....never heard it before neither.. Bye!!
26 février 2012
don't fret is like "don't worry" or "it's okay" Personally, I don't hear it said a lot, unless you're watching the show Family Matters hah
26 février 2012
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Ri Michael
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Anglais, Estonien, Français, Allemand, Japonais, Latin, Polonais, Russe, Espagnol, Suédois
Langue étudiée
Estonien, Français, Allemand, Japonais, Polonais, Russe