3 mars 2012 07:48
Réponses · 3
“ 收获多少就应该付出多少”这局话的意思翻译成英文大概是“You have to pay for what you get.”我们也有另一句话, “You have to pay the piper.”这句 话来自一个故事 “The Pied Piper of Hamlin.”那个故事的寓意是“人要支付债 券人”。 还有一句话, “You get what you pay for.”意思有一点儿不同, 如果要付出少 到几乎没有的前,就只有买劣等的质量的物品。 (如果我的中文写错 或者不是地道的, 情改正。谢谢。)
3 mars 2012
Harvest how much you should pay as much as
3 mars 2012
收获多少就应该付出多少。 译法很多,take your pick! No pain no gain. You reap what you sow As you sow, so shall you reap. you only get what you give. ......
3 mars 2012
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