是 is just pronounced "shi" some southern chinese people pronounce it "si" because of accent...
那个 is pronounced "na ge" BUT if you repeat it very fast , you will normally arrive "nei ge"......
99% chinese pronounce 那个 "nei ge" its not an accent its a kind of "lazy way"
in every language, we can find some phenomenon like this:
"what are you doing?" the "t" of "what" normally we dont pronounce it if we say this fast.
in french, i know two phrases like this:
"tu es ou?"(where are you?) people say "t'es ou"?
"je ne sais pas"(I dont know) people say "ch sais pas"
"je suis d'accord"(I agree) people say "chsuis d'accord"
那个----na ge----- nei ge exactly the same reason
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