How do you define "KnallerFrauen"? I know this comedy is super hot in China. However I found its Chinese name is not so accurate after I watched Martina Hill's interview with Deutsche Welle. So, what does "KnallerFrauen" literally mean? Thanks.
15 juin 2012 06:37
Réponses · 3
"Knaller"Frau is kind of a comedic approach. On one hand, it can mean a "hot" woman, but also a woman that is a little weird, in a loud, noisy and outgoing way. Alltogether, it is a mixture of "hot", "outgoing" and "strong".
15 juin 2012
Etwa wie 猛男,wahrscheinlich. 猛女??LOL. Nur meine Meinung. It's something like we say 猛男 in Chinese. I don't mean Knallerfrau is 猛女. Just my view. You could imagine that.
16 juin 2012
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