can't find this word "hypercephalic" in the dictionary. what does it mean? thanks! Thanks for all the answers! The orginial sentence is "he may have been born deformed or crippled or he may have been hypercephalic."
25 juin 2012 09:07
Réponses · 11
Agree with Steerpike, but ... Hyper- as a prefix means over, beyond, more than is normal. Cephalic means relating to the head. So 'hypercephalic' could mean 'having an unusually large head'. Perhaps it is a clever (or pretentious) way to call someone big-headed. :)
25 juin 2012
I agree as well - it's a made-up word, but you can deduce the meaning from its parts, as Claire has shown. It turns out it's straight from a cartoon called Sam & Max: "Aw, it's a cute little hypercephalic kitten." It's also probably a mispronunciation of "hydrocephalic", which means an excess of fluid (and therefore pressure) around the brain, leading to a swollen head, physical problems from a malfunctioning brain, and possible death. This sounds like typical Sam & Max humour.
25 juin 2012
That would suggest it is not a real word.
25 juin 2012
I was going to attempt to answer this, but it looks like everyone else got there first!! Beth, that sounds horrible!! :(
27 juin 2012
Sorry for your loss,Beth! 我不知道腦積水會那麼嚴重.
26 juin 2012
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