没辙 / 无奈 的区别和用法 能给我解释一下吗? 先谢啦!
9 juil. 2012 23:57
Réponses · 8
“没辙”用于口语,轻松、幽默的用法:我对这调皮的小孩真的没辙了。 “无奈”多用于书面,口语也可以用到,一般用于一些较重要的话题:人生好多无奈。 没辙 是动词,Model:谁(对谁)没辙了。 无奈 既是动词,又是名词,Model:谁很无奈。 谁(什么)有很多的无奈。
10 juillet 2012
没辙,无奈 sometimes have the same meanings. but the uses are different. eg: the car has broken down.we 没辙(here is used as a verb),means we can't fix it or we can't do anything about it. the car has broken down.we are 无奈(here is used as a adj.)implies much the same meaning ,we feel helpless,we can not find a way to solve this problem. 无奈can also used as a adv. eg:我们无奈地走路回家。means we have to walk home reluctantly, because we can not do anything about the broken car. HOPE THIS CAN HELP.
10 juillet 2012
没辙:can find no way out; it is a dialect from Beijing.没辙=无奈。 无奈: 动词(verb)你出的问题没有主题,我很无奈 名词(noun)人生都有许许多多的无奈 连词( conjunction)我本想星期天去郊游,无奈天不作美下起雨来,只好作罢了。
10 juillet 2012
问你女朋友啊 哈哈
16 février 2013
没辙 means 没办法 have no way to do something 无奈:have no choice normally, they are the same. but 无奈 highlights the feeling, and 没辙 highlights the objective conditions.
10 juillet 2012
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