Damien Liles
滑溜溜的意思是什麽? 只是說很滑么?還是有更深的意思? 謝謝
19 juil. 2012 21:47
Réponses · 8
"滑溜溜" means "slippery" or "smooth". It's a word in the form of ABB. Specifically, this kind of adjective consists of a monosyllable "A" and then a postfix "BB" that strengthens the degree to enhance the expression of the whole word. For instance, 傻乎乎(silly), 黑漆漆(black), 軟綿綿 (soft), 毛茸茸(fluffy) , 靜悄悄(quite) and so forth. This kind of words are generally used to describe the character of a thing (e.g. color, shape, property, texture, etc.) in a more vivid and expressive way.
21 juillet 2012
It means what you touch or feel is very smooth.“溜溜”is used to stengthen its degree.But sometimes it can be used to describe a person which means the guy is very sly,he is not easily fooled.
20 juillet 2012
19 juillet 2012
28 juillet 2012
就是很滑的意思 没别的 。
20 juillet 2012
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