what's an English word for someone who sell Gold in jewellery? what's an English word for someone who sell Gold in jewellery? For example "Fishmonger" for someone who sell fish. What about Someone who sell gold? I couldn't find it Thanks in advance
5 sept. 2012 17:52
Réponses · 3
Dealer - person who buys and sells (not necessarily just gold) Goldsmith - person who works gold into other things e.g. jewellery Jeweller - person trading in jewellery (not necessarily just gold)
5 septembre 2012
There is no term analagous to "fishmonger" for a seller of gold. If the gold is in jewelry, we would call the person a "jeweler" (or the British spelling is "jeweller"). If the person buys and sells gold but not jewelry, they would be called a "gold dealer". There might be some areas of the world where a specific term has been created that is like "fishmonger" but that term would be used locally or regionally.
5 septembre 2012
5 septembre 2012
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