Which one is correct? The Smiths are/is and have/has? OR The Wilsons are/is and have/has?
30 sept. 2012 14:45
Réponses · 2
The Smiths are / The Smiths have The Wilsons are / The Wilsons have When you have a plural, you use are and have. When you are talking about a single thing, you use "is" and "has". The teacher is sick. The teacher has a meeting. The teachers are sick. The teachers have a meeting. John Smith is a boy. John Smith has a broken leg.
30 septembre 2012
The Smiths/Wilsons are/have. Both are plural The Smith/Wilson family is/has. 'Smith' and 'Wilson' are, in effect, adjectives, with family as the subject, which is singular.
30 septembre 2012
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