Santosh Pathak
what is deffirence between synonym and antonym ?
10 déc. 2012 13:01
Réponses · 4
Synonym is not a synonym of antonym, but antonym is an antonym of synonym.
10 décembre 2012
synonym is words that have same meaning, such as "peak" and "top", so you can say that the synonym of "peak" is "top" and vice-versa. antonym is the word that has an opposite meaning of a word, such as "top" and "bottom", so you can say that the antonym of "top" is "bottom".
10 décembre 2012
synonym is words that has same meaning or its alternative word while antonym is the opposite meaning
10 décembre 2012
Synomim: The words (two or more) which are have the same meaning. Examples: Beautiful=Pretty; Mood=Temper; Good=Well, etc Antonym: The words (two or more) which are have the opposite meaning. Examples: Hot><Cool; Up><Down; Tall><Short; etc
10 décembre 2012
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