Are there any spanish verbs ended in - guer? are there any spanish verbs ended in - guer? in what tenses have stem-changing?So far i know in present tense, preterite, any others?
25 mai 2008 09:04
Réponses · 5
No existe ningún verbo en español terminado en "guer". Lo siento
26 mai 2008
I don't know any verb ending in guer. Try with some grammar website. You may also try this site: http://www.wordreference.com ,for English-Spanish translation and conjugation learning. Good luck!
28 mai 2008
in Spanish Terminations verbal are: ar, er, ir, The desinencia of Spanish verbs are divided into three conjugations: First conjugation It consists of all verbs whose infinitive ending in-ar. cantar, amar, saltar Second conjugation Formed by all verbs ending in-er. comer, beber,temer Third conjugation They belong to it all verbs ending in-ir. vivir, partir, recibir. i hope this help
27 mai 2008
U can find something in this website. Try with verbs "aparadigmáticos". Anyway..."No existe ningún verbo en español terminado en guer" (jorge:2008).
27 mai 2008
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