没差是什么意思? 在周杰伦的歌《爱你没差》,没差是什么意思? I Have looked up 没差 and it seems to be used in a lot of different ways. I have also seen very different translations of the song. What is the correct translation of 没差 in this song?
24 avr. 2013 07:49
Réponses · 9
26 avril 2013
it means “time difference” or "equation of time" or"爱你没时差" i think 没差 is not a regular expression even i am a native chinese speaker i am first time know the words 没差 learning chinese from 周杰伦 is a bad idea even a lot of chinese don't know what 周杰伦 is singing about^_^ It difficult to hear 周杰伦‘s every word.
24 avril 2013
25 avril 2013
Maybe it means not have any differents.
25 avril 2013
據歌詞 顯然 應作 沒有時差 濃烈的愛情 即使戀人相隔千里 甚至不同時區 雙方都願意一直守候­下去 而且 這個 時差 還包含 過去與現在 一方欲挽回逝去的戀情 的意義
25 avril 2013
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