Keep silent or Keep silence? Keep silent or Keep silence? o.OHaha, just forget the "shoo", I'm confused that which is the right way to show the meaning of keeping voice down, I found "keep silence" on news but I think keep silent or keep quite is more normal.
5 nov. 2013 23:27
Réponses · 6
'Shoo' is not 'keep silent', or as Lisa said 'keep quiet'. It is in fact 'go away'. Did you perhaps mean shoosh/shush?
5 novembre 2013
The natural way to say it is "keep quiet". "Keep silent" is grammatically correct, but it sounds a little arrogant. You can write "keep your silence" (ie. with a possessive) but it doesn't make sense as a command. This is probably the example you found in the news.
6 novembre 2013
Keep silence
6 novembre 2013
Shoo is used to tell someone or something to go away. "Shoo! Shoo go away!" To say be quiet or to keep silent you would say Shhh/Shush but shush is more rude than shhh. Shhh can be rude as well though.
6 novembre 2013
'Keep quiet' is not very polite. It is 'bossy'. Maybe you would use it if you were a teacher. It would be better to say 'please be quiet'.
6 novembre 2013
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