中文当中的"俚语" Chinese Slang 请在这里写一下你个人经常用或者经常听到的一些"俚语"并在旁边举个例子. 我指的不是粗话哦! 比如说: 等着瞧! 一些一般的教材里不会包括的词语!
8 juil. 2008 03:30
Réponses · 49
不见棺材不掉泪,不到黄河不死心。 不到长城非好汉。 吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸。 左耳朵进右耳朵出。 背黑锅。 戴绿帽子。 坐冷板凳。 上刀山,下油锅。 急得团团装。 or 急得像热锅上的蚂蚁。 打破砂锅问到底。 or 钻牛角尖。 给人卖了还帮人家数钱。 死要面子。 opposite 不要脸。 嘴硬。 软耳根子。 刀子嘴豆腐心。 缺心眼。
8 juillet 2008
1.“看情况吧” 例 A:明天你要跟我们一起去游泳吗?B:看情况吧,也许没空。 2.“扯淡” 例 如果你只是说说,不这么计划去完成它,那就都是扯淡(空谈),没有用! 3.“得瑟” de第四声,se轻声,动词,意思是浪费、炫耀、招摇。 例 再这么得瑟下去,一个月的工资要花光了。
8 juillet 2008
01. 公鸭嗓子 drake's voice; raucous voice/A voice which is husky and flat. 我想没人喜欢听你这公鸭嗓子唱歌。 I don't think people like to here you sing since you've got a raucous voice. 02. 一脸旧社会 expressionless face; painful looking face; solemn face; sad; unhappy; solemn; doleful 姑娘们笑一笑。别那么一脸旧社会。Girls, please cheer up. Don't look so sad. 03. 坐冷板凳 sit on a cold stool / A metaphor for someone who is passed over or has suffered a cold shoulder. 他在公司工作干得十分出色,可是由于性格倔强不招老板喜欢,所以总坐冷板凳。 He works excellently for his company. But because of his hard nature he cannot win favor with his boss, so he is always passed over. 04. 走眼 to see something mistakenly; to misjudge something; mistake sb. or sth. A:昨天在电影院我看见你和一个女孩子在一起。 I saw you with a girl in a cinema yesterday. B:你一定是看走眼了。我昨天哪儿也没去,一直待在家里。You must have mistaken someone else for me. I didn't go anywhere yesterday. I was at home all day. 05. 抓瞎 find oneself at a loss; be in a rush and muddle 他对考试有充分的准备,所以不管考试多难从不抓瞎。 He is well prepared for examinations, so he never finds himself at a loss no matter how hard a test is. 15. 扎堆儿 get together to chat 他们一上班就扎堆儿聊世界杯赛。 They got together to talk about the World Cup as soon as they arrived at the office. 06. 宰 overcharge; rip off 这么一个小玩意儿你宰我宰得也太多了。 You overcharged me for this small thing. 他知道今天被人宰了。 He knows he was ripped off today. 07. 冤大头 fool; a person who spends time or money but gets no return; a person who is fooled or cheated 他后悔没听我的话,结果如今成了个冤大头。 He regrets not listening to me. Now he looks like a fool. 08. 有两把刷子 have skill, capability or ability 如果你没有两把刷子,这活还真做不了。 If you don't have the ability, you can't do it. 09. 向毛主席保证 In Chaiman Mao's name / A term to indicate that what one says absolutely true, mostly used in the 1970s of the 20th century. 我敢向毛主席保证,我没拿你那本书。 10. 走后门 get in by the back door 他从未告诉过任何人他在同老板的女儿约会,以免惹人闲话,说他走后门找到工作。 He never tells anyone he is dating the boss's daughter lest people suggest he got the job through the back door.
8 juillet 2008
我学生特别喜欢:放鸽子! 表示爽约,比如你的好朋友约你见面,而他却没来或迟到了很久才来,你可以对他说:“你放我鸽子!”
8 juillet 2008
* 最爱用的副词是"超...." 也就是"SUPER....." * "无敌了"是说这个人,最厉害了,没有对手了.someone is invincibility * 说什么话题时,XX人都不知道,就取笑别人,"从火星来的吧"..... you dont know this? Are you from Mars? ^ ^ * 这话本来是这样的"老虎不发威,你就当我是病猫"不过,现在大家喜欢说"老虎不发威,你当我是HELLO KITTY"甚至还有"老鼠一发威,大家都是病猫"这么一说.if i dont play hard with you, you dont know what i am....我这英文翻译的估计很弱..... * 想来,"这么一说"也算吧,是 有这样一种说法的意思.应该是"speak in this way" * 还有"....的说" 来源于日文 [的说=です=DE SU,就是日语经常用于结尾的,直接将其音译了就是 “的说”。 如“看帖一定要回帖的说。”] * 不确定时候,喜欢说"貌似...." =maybe * 总是喜欢呆在家里,喜欢漫画和搜索,那就离"御宅族(日文:おたく、音 otaku)"不远了. ...... 先到这里,想到再跑来补充 HEHE~ ^ ^
10 juillet 2008
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Chinois (mandarin), Chinois (cantonais), Chinois (shanghaïen), Anglais, Japonais
Langue étudiée
Chinois (mandarin), Chinois (cantonais), Chinois (shanghaïen), Japonais