I dont Understand how to use this - " sounds like a deal " What is this meaning of " sounds like a deal " ? how and when to use it ? thanks .
27 oct. 2014 06:46
Réponses · 5
sounds like a deal sounds like a plan It means the same as "ok!". If someone suggests something to you, you can say either one. A: Can we study tomorrow instead of today? B: Sounds like a deal. A: Do you want to go to the movies? B: Sounds like a plan. A: Let's have lunch. B: OK!
27 octobre 2014
It means the same as "that sounds good to me". The word for word translation means that you are hearing something that you like. The idioms are there to say that it is something you feel good about, for example, a good deal or a good plan.
27 octobre 2014
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