what is the different between 书 and 本书 ? hello everyone , i have a question , what is the different between 书 and 本书 ? because both mean book in a sentence
21 avr. 2015 03:37
Réponses · 6
书 means book 本书 is not really a word, it's often used within a book to describe the book itself. you can generally interpret it as "within this book"
21 avril 2015
书means book,本 is an article. so,一本书means a book.
21 avril 2015
本 is a measure word for 书
21 avril 2015
no , they misunderstood what you said ! “本书” means: this book ! "书" means all of books . eg: 本书作者 (The author of this book )
21 avril 2015
书 and 书本 are basically the same。 I have never seen 本书 without a quantity before. you can say: 一本书 one book, 几本书 several books
21 avril 2015
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