HyunWook Park
In weekends or During weekends? or weekend? You need to have some fun in weekends You need to have some fun during weekends You need to have some fun during weekend By weekends, What I want to mean is every weekend. Which on is correct and Can any one of you tell me how to use during and in properly in different situations? Thanks a lot for your help in advacne! Cheers! Hyunwook
20 juin 2015 13:06
Réponses · 3
"You need to have some fun during the weekend." This can mean either just one weekend or all weekends, the meaning must be inferred from the context. In this context, "weekend" is never made plural. You only add an "s" when speaking about a specific number if weekends: "Hiw many weekends are left in the summer?"
20 juin 2015
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