what it is mean? what it is mean? "끼부리지마"?
29 juin 2015 12:37
Réponses · 4
끼부리지마 "Don't flirt" Other answer already explains the meaning and grammar of the sentence so well. I would like to link a K-pop music video with English subtitles to help you to understand the context of the sentence. Winner "끼부리지마" (Don't flirt) https://youtu.be/35jr7CSoDNI Enjoy!
29 juin 2015
끼부리지마 is composed of 끼부리(다) + 지 말(다) + 아 끼부리다 is a short form of "끼를 부리다" 끼 : 이성과 함부로 사귀거나 관계를 맺는 경향이나 태도 부리다 : 행동이나 성질 따위를 계속 드러내거나 보이다. 끼부리다 means "flirt" 지 말다 means "stop doing" -지 마(요/세요) means "don’t + verb" 끼부리지마 means "don't flirt" 조시한테 끼부리지마. Stop flirting to Josh.
29 juin 2015
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