I just speak a little English.How to leare it?
9 sept. 2008 06:27
Réponses · 3
Hi Kalun, You can join my forum if you like "The English Reading Club" http://onemansword.com/simplemachinesforum/ just click on "Register" and fill in the information. There are also other italki members there, I also have a "live classroom" where I teach English. See you there! Norman
10 septembre 2008
9 septembre 2008
Hi Kalun, in order to improve your spoken English, just go up to Resources at the top of this page & scroll down to 'How to speak English like a native speaker'. Then you can find an English speaker to talk to when you click onto Find a language Partner at the top. Join one of the Italki Groups, then click onto Resources, Files & Knowledge at the top where you will also find many tips for improving your English. Good luck.
9 septembre 2008
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