What's the meaning of scrunchy in given context? In one of FRIENDS' episodes, Ross is kidding Rachel, she gives him a dirty look then Phoebe says What's the matter? Why so scrunchy? What's the meaning of scrunchy in this part?
5 oct. 2015 00:31
Réponses · 6
I think that it is referring to her face shape. 'scrunch' is probably a combination of screw and crunch. It was originally used for things like 'scrunching' up a piece of paper. So - she is saying that her face was all wrinkly and screwed up.
5 octobre 2015
Thank you all.
7 octobre 2015
*you're with peope.… NOT "your"
5 octobre 2015
Also note that I'm a native speaker and I have no idea what it means either. My advice is never use this, unless your with people who love Friends or you like getting weird looks from people.
5 octobre 2015
Lol. Assuming she didn't say grumpy...A few times we might say why a scrunchy look? The meaning is someone who is scowling or glaring at you. Since, I don't remember the episode I can't say any more. BTW...that is really old and outdated...we don't say that anymore.
5 octobre 2015
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