at Easter or on Easter at Easter or on Easter? Which is correct? For example: In Hungary, there are some customs that are followed less and less. Such a custom is sprinkling, which happens on Easter /at Easter. on Easter Day/ on Easter Monday at Easter
18 déc. 2015 21:39
Réponses · 7
In the UK we would say 'at Easter.' If you are talking about the specific day we would say 'on Easter Sunday/Monday' etc. So I guess it depends which variant of English you are interested in. Saying 'on Easter' would be considered incorrect here.
18 décembre 2015
You need to use "at Easter". It's a festival, ie. a point in the cycle of a year. You only use "on" if you mean a particular day, eg. "on Easter Sunday". I've done a quick check using news articles (UK, US, etc), and it's very uncommon to use "on Easter" by itself, if you mean the festival as a time. I'd also consider using "on" in this context as incorrect.
19 décembre 2015
“On Easter,” is used in the U.S. “One tradition in my family is eating lamb on Easter.” “Also, in the United States, children receive candy and presents on Easter.”
18 décembre 2015
When do we use the infinitive to with ing? for ex, the Key to forgiving Is....why don t we say the Key to forgive Is... ?...Is there a rule?
11 janvier 2020
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