Winny L.A.
Expression "I'm out of words" Please a native english speaker to explain me what it means.. "I'm out of the words" What I guessing it means... 1 - That I don't have words to express something... 2 - Words say in somewhere of time and these words are lie, like a bullshit Please rectify as the question as my english writing... Thank you so much
13 janv. 2016 12:19
Réponses · 8
"I'm out of the words" > you cant think of anymore words for a situation . Say , you telling off your friend using *blah ,blah etc to descript him ; then you stop and say "Im out of word "what to call him. How to say "beautiful" using other words ? I cant think of pretty and attractive , and I'm already out of words . (At a) loss for words > you cant think of anything to say .I am always at a loss for words when I meet a movie star
13 janvier 2016
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Welcome . It should be "I CAN think of pretty and attractive... I type too fast for my own good )
13 janvier 2016 · Répondre
Winny L.A.
oh yes, don't worry, I got the message... :)
13 janvier 2016 · Répondre
La Liseuse
I have never heard anyone say 'I'm out of the words'. It doesn't make a lot of sense. A possibility is 'I'm out of words', meaning I have run out of words and can't find anything more to say, but this is not a standard phrase. Just a thought: I wonder if you have misheard the expression 'I'm out of the woods' or 'I'm out of the wood'. This means out of trouble or danger, or having got through a difficult phase. We often use this in the expression 'We're not out of the woods yet', meaning that there are still some problems that we might encounter on our way. NB I believe there is a Taylor Swift song entitled 'Out of the Woods'.
 ...En savoir plus
13 janvier 2016
Winny L.A.
Ohh my apologizes, please consider the title.. "Out of words", thanks for your correction... If you need anything in brazilian portuguese language, please ask me, will be a pleasure answering you...
13 janvier 2016 · Répondre
Afindi Sabghat
hi dear, totally the expression "out of words", means that somebody has nothing to say, or does not know about the subject more. thanks......
13 juin 2020 · Répondre
Kidist Abera
there is nothing to say
8 août 2024
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