Many ways to say "a lot" In Korean, I spotted many words I can apparently translate by "a lot" and "very". But what is the difference ? - 많다 - 아주 - 훨씬 - 매우 is there more ?
13 avr. 2016 07:15
Réponses · 5
There is no accurate translation. (You have to get used to it) A rough translation would be: 많이: a lot 아주: considerably 매우: very much 대단히: significantly 훨씬 is for comparisons only. (much more) ex: 내 자전거는 생각보다 훨씬 비쌌다. My bike was much more expensive than initially thought.
13 avril 2016
아프다 (it hurts): 많이 아프다: "it hurts a lot" 아주 아프다: "hey, it hurts! no kidding" 매우 아프다: "oh man, that HURTS!" 크다 (big): 많이 크다: "it's way too big for me" (wrong size) 아주 크다: "wow, it's big" 매우 크다: "it's so goddamn big" *많이 can mean "too" depending on the context.
13 avril 2016
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