怎么说:“I think you're dancing around the real issue..." Hello, I could use some help in translating these argumentative phrases. I'm unsure of what sounds natural in 中文。 你好,有人可以帮我一下翻译这些议论短语?我不知道什么听起来更自然。 我要说:what you say maybe true, however... 这个句子对的吗?/你说的什么可能是真的,但是... 我也要说:I think you're dancing around the real issue at hand. OR. I believe you're avoiding the real problem. 这是对的吗?/我认为你抓不到问题的重点。 我怎么说这些句子更自然?谢谢
25 avr. 2016 01:11
Réponses · 12
"What you say maybe true, however..." 你说的可能是真的,但是…… "I think you're dancing around the real issue at hand." 你在绕圈子。 "I believe you're avoiding the real problem." 我觉得你在回避问题本质。 And I agree to @Ben, you might need to change the structures a bit when putting them in contexts. But the above translations are correct and make sense by themselves.
25 avril 2016
1. 不正确。What you say, 翻译成“你说的”就可以了。“什么”在中文里面,表示疑问语气。 2. 不正确。“抓不住问题的重点”是指没有发现“问题的重点”。而 “avoid”却是“回避”,可能发现了“问题的重点”,却故意不去触碰。因此,翻译为“我认为你在故意回避真正的问题”比较合适。
26 avril 2016
what you say maybe true, however... 你说的有道理,但是.... I think you're dancing around the real issue at hand. OR. I believe you're avoiding the real problem. 你在避重就轻
25 avril 2016
Thank you very much for you advice, I'll proceed by looking into the suggested articles and work to assimilate the structures and vocabulary as best I can. That also sounds like quite the interesting case study as well ill make sure to check it out.
25 avril 2016
25 avril 2016
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