一定没问题 What does the following sentence mean? I don’t understand the structure. 你要是有什么困难,找他帮忙一定没问题。 My attempt at translating: "If you have some difficulty, seek his help and you definitely won’t have a problem." The second part of the sentence is difficult to understand for me. Or maybe it means "If you have some difficulty, asking him for help shouldn’t be a problem"? Wouldn’t 找他帮忙就一定没问题 make more sense? (I added 就 to separate condition from the result, because I think it’s usually done like that). Any explanation would be much appreciated. I couldn’t find any grammar for this structure.
28 avr. 2016 22:15
Réponses · 6
This sentence is used very colloquially here. In this sentence the conjunctions is understood. Full sentence:如果你要是有什么困难,那么找他帮忙就一定没问题。 如果..那么.. be used to represent the causality between two parts. 就 adds emphasis to language. 没问题 could be “he will not refuse your requirement” or ”he has no peoblem on solving this problem” or both. Your translation is right.
29 avril 2016
in my opinion, the two sentences is same. in here "就“ just emphasizing. but "就” It's so complex, even the Chinese. following for you FYI 1 associated word/adverb; 一……就……=as soon as. He got married as soon as he left university.他一离开大学就结婚了 一……就……directly I came directly I got your message. 我一接到你的信就赶来了。 一……就……immediately I came immediately I heard the news.我一听到这个消息,马上就来了。 一……就……Once Once he arrives we can start. 他一到我们就可以动身 2 verb:工作上高不成, 低不就。unfit for a higher post but unwilling to take a lower one in his work.; 3就要=will and going to I will be(going to) 11 years old. 我就要11岁了 4even if=即使(就算) Even if he does it understandable, but.. 就算他做的这件事情有可原,但是…。 5,如果(就算)=if That way, if we break up, I can use it again.那样的话,就算我们分手了之后,我还能再用它。
30 avril 2016
“If you meet any difficulties,tell him and he will help u figure out ”
29 avril 2016
why is there no 就?
28 avril 2016
It means he will solve your problems just count on him .. you cant translate it literally .. Chinese has different cultural background ..
28 avril 2016
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