'I have to go' vs 'I have to get going' Hi! Are there any differences in using these sayings?
5 mai 2016 02:53
Réponses · 2
Not really. 'I have to go', is more of a command or something absolute. (e.g. I have to go to the bathroom) 'I have to get going' , suggest it is a future event (e.g. I have to get going soon) The similarity is when you use the term, ' I have to get going now'. This is the same thing as saying ' I have to go'. The other difference is you would not say 'I have to get going to the bathroom'
5 mai 2016
"I have to go" is more urgent and less formal, while "I have to get going" is a bit softer. If you are on a phone call with someone you don't know well, and you need to hang up, "I have to get going" is a better choice than "I have to go." It's a subtle difference.
5 mai 2016
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