Could someone help me to translate ‘求心理阴影面积’ into English, please?
19 juil. 2016 03:01
Réponses · 5
to seek the psychological "shaded area". I don't know what "shaded area" means. Could this be referring to the shaded area on a diagram of the brain?
19 juillet 2016
求心理阴影面积=oh my god, this is really embarrassing
19 juillet 2016
actually,this is a chinese cute network buzzwords, that means when somebody do the things can not be understood, can not use the words to explain and hurt his friends silently ," how to fix the psychological shadow area" can apply that condition. I hope that helps a little.
19 juillet 2016
translate ‘求心理阴影面积’ into English literally =》evaluate Psychological shadow area Maybe 'evaluate menticide' ?
19 juillet 2016
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