Arif Widianto
What is Batchim? 안녕하샤요. 내이름은아리프. I just started to learn korean, especially how to read and write hangeul and just a short sentence like "my name is Arif". Yesterday, I found something called batchim. I have no idea what it is and how to use it. What is batchim and how do you use it? 감사합니다
31 août 2016 15:47
Réponses · 2
안녕하세요! I just started learning Korean, too :) A batchim is a term used for "final consonant". For example, 한글 (hangeul) ends with ㄹ which is a consonant, so this word has a batchim; 한국어 (hangugo) ends with ㅓ which is a vowel, so it doesn't have a batchim. You will also see "double batchim" which are batchims like ㅅㅅ, ㅂㅂ etc. 안녕 :)
31 août 2016
So far as I understand, Patchim/batchim is the third letter in a syllable. The ㅁ in 감.
31 août 2016
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